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MandoraWeb Domain Check
Here you can check if your desired domain name is still available.

Domains from A to Z


Webserver Business Startup

Service details

Total disc space 22.000 MB overall storage space
Data transfer 50.000 MB per month included allocation of data traffic
FTP access Yes for file transfer
Amount of manageable domains unlimited unlimited number of domains assignable
Multi Web Support Yes operate various independent websites within one account
Email addresses Yes 50 email aliases
MySQL 5 Yes 1 database
PHP5 support Yes for your web applications
PEAR support Yes class-based PHP extension
Custom error pages Yes individual error pages
PowerTools Yes tools for website creation
Domain Details
Amount of manageable domains unlimited unlimited number of domains assignable
Multi domain support Yes website is accessible under multiple domains
Subdomains Yes 20 subdomains
DNS Manager Yes create and manage custom DNS settings
Domain forwarders Yes HTTP- and frame forwarders
Email Services Details
Mail Server Yes under your domain name
Email addresses Yes 50 email aliases
Mailboxes Yes 5 POP3 / IMAP mailboxes
Email forwarding Yes 50 email forwarders
Mandora.MailCollector Yes 5 collectors for centralised fetching of emails
WebMail Yes SSL-protected online access to your mailboxes
SSL / TLS encryption Yes Secure POP3, IMAP und SMTP
Mandora.MailScanner Yes configurable spam filter
Greylisting Yes for avoiding of spam
SPF (Sender Policy Framework) Yes protection from email spoofing
DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) Yes automatic sender authentication
FTP Details
Mandora FTP Server Yes for convenient data upload and download
SSL/TLS encryption Yes secure FTP
WebFTP Yes for mobile data management
Web Server Details
Mandora WWW Server Yes based on Apache2
mod_rewrite Yes Rewrite Engine for search-engine-friendly URLs
cron jobs Yes 1 cron job
PHP5 support Yes for your web applications
PEAR support Yes class-based PHP extension
Custom error pages Yes individual error pages
AJAX support Yes for integration / processing of asynchronous JavaScript & XML
XML support Yes for integration / processing of XML-based data
SmartPage & smarty Yes template engines
ionCube PHP Loader Yes support for encoded PHP files
Zend framework Yes PHP framework
ImageMagick Yes for editing of images
GD2 Yes graphics software library
cURL Yes Client URL Library for automated file transfer
WDDX Yes Web Distributed Data Exchange
geoIP Yes Geotargeting
CType Yes character classification functions
PHP sendmail Yes connect to sendmail using PHP
PHP mail functions Yes Sending emails using PHP
PHP upload Yes file upload using PHP
Freetype Yes text rendering library
zLib Yes data compression library
iconv Yes Character encoding converter
mbstring Yes multibyte character string functions
FPDF - PDF generator Yes for creating PDF documents
Database Server Details
MySQL 5 Yes 1 database
MySQL Storage Engines Yes MyISAM, InnoDB
MySQL Database Administration Yes SSL-secured phpMyAdmin
SQLite 3 Yes SQL database engine
ODBC Yes for PHP
MySQLI Yes for PHP
Traffic History Yes daily updated reporting of used data traffic
Webserver & FTP Logfiles Yes access.log, error.log, xfer.log
Webserver Error Log Yes provides realtime error log of your website
Disc Space Usage Yes detailed records of disc space usage
Successful Logins History Yes detailed records on the times and ip addresses of successful logins
Failed Logins History Yes detailed records on the times and ip addresses of failed login attempts
Disc Space Details
Total Disc Space Yes 22.000 MB
Web Space Yes 500 MB
Mail Space Yes 10.000 MB
Logfile Space Yes 500 MB
Backup Space Yes 11.000 MB
Spamfilter Space Yes fair use
Quarantine Space Yes fair use
Service & Support
Premium Support Yes cost-free online support by certified technicians with guaranteed response time
Emergency Support incl. Callback Service Yes emergency support by incident by certified technicians with guaranteed response time (subject to a fee)
Custom Service Level Agreements Yes according to client's requirements (subject to a fee)
KnowledgeBase Yes 24 x 7 x 365 online access to knowledge base
Documentation Yes 24 x 7 x 365 online access to detailed manuals
Management and Configuration Yes 24 x 7 x 365 online access to CustomerCenter
Free of Ads Yes no automated pop-ups or banners
Any time upgradeable Yes Change of server plan in CustomerCenter any time
Server & Network Details
Server Hardware Yes high-end multiprocessor server systems
Typical System Availability Yes > 99,9% annual mean
Server & Network Monitoring Yes 24 / 7 via two separate NOCs
UPS Emergency Power Supply Yes multiple secured power supply
Datacenter monitoring Yes multilevel security plan

Monthly fee 14.99 EUR * incl. 19.00% VAT (DE)
One-time setup fee 29.99 EUR * incl. 19.00% VAT (DE)
plus fees for domain service of your choice acc. price list

* Click here for further price- & tariff conditions.

Module base price per month incl. 0% VAT for United States for yearly payment in advance,
if applicable plus one-time setup fee as well as fees for domainservice and extensions of your choice.
Modules may be not available separately or not without other modules.

Prices may vary depending on residence of client and local VAT rates (directives 2006/112/EG and 2008/8/EG).

Final price of your desired configuration incl. residence-depending VAT will be displayed at completion of package configuration incl. all price components.
Prerequisite for use is a common personal computer including internet access, up-to-date web browser and state-of-the art security software (not included in price).
We reserve the right to update technical specifications in terms of product development and system security updates without further notice.

For detailed contract terms please see underlying terms and conditions.